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Exclusively made from Morocco for Tamr Henna, this argan oil is first cold-pressed, pure, and naturally extracted from the seeds of the native Moroccan argan tree.

Pure argan oil has high levels of fatty acids and Vitamin E, making it the perfect ingredient for hair, beauty, and skincare products. It nourishes, moisturizes, hydrates, regenerates, preserves the elasticity of mature skin, and protects your skin against free radicals. In addition, argan oil moisturizes your hair and scalp, and is capable of reducing split ends, damage,  so that your hair looks thicker and fuller.

We offer a vast collection of high-quality natural products based on the miraculous properties of argan oil, also called “liquid gold of Morocco,” inspired by the traditional oriental beauty secret that will let you enjoy the benefits to the fullest.  We add other luxurious natural ingredients like saffron, honey, beeswax, sweet almond oil, apricot seed oil, essential oils, and an option for a natural perfume to enhance the fragrance.